Friday, September 27, 2019

Can married woman today have it all Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Can married woman today have it all - Essay Example In the past, some societies felt that women were a liability especially when taking them to school. Secondly, women are not considered as possible leaders in many parts of the world. This has been holding women back in the society as well. In many countries, majority of leadership is held by the male gender, which leaves the women at a disadvantage in the society. Women have to struggle way harder than men to get elective posts in many countries even in the developed world. Despite their struggles, they make limited progress. Though some end up getting some of the leadership roles, they are not given the ultimate control especially in high decision making ranks. This has been a setback for women as most of them are not delegated the duties of policy formulation for the society as a whole. Similarly, there is the infamous quote that states that women are their own enemies. This rhetoric statement means that some women are pulling down their fellow women. The unity of women is wanting, and they do not have the much needed corporation to make the best outcome for their own gender. In some instances, women are openly seen to oppose other women. In such cases, the opposing sides create a drift among the women leaving room for men to flourish at their expense. The idea of marriage has been changing over time but depending on the stated issue. To begin with, in the previous years, men were known to be the bread winners of the family. Nowadays, this is almost a forgotten case. The man and woman in the home are both bread winners. A family has to depend on both of them for ultimate survival. For example, while the father provides the basic needs like shelter, the mother is, on the other hand, providing clothing. This has brought stability in families as they never lack basic needs. Similarly, women nowadays are career focused and are likely to look for a career and develop it to the highest of levels. However, in yesteryears, women remained as housewives meaning that th ey did not have any other career apart from caring for the family at the basic level. The changing world has proved that women can also have career even when they have families to take care of. Apparently, women are also in control of numerous families. In ancient times, the man was the only one in control of a home. As such, men had the ultimate control in decision making and execution of tasks. Therefore, women had no room to make any decision when the man of the house was not around. In most cases, women had to wait for the head of the house to make decisions. Such decisions were made without consulting their wives. However, nowadays, this has changed: Women have room to make critical decisions even in the presence of the man of the house. This change has been attributed to the change in women and their desire to make changes in the world. This has uplifted the need for women in the society as they have resulted to positive changes cross the world. In many homes, women are equall y in control just like their male counterparts. It is possible for a woman to have a career and still bring up the family in the best manner possible. To begin with, women have instigated the change they wanted in the world as they now have more opportunities to be heard. Since they want to uplift the girl child in the society, they will work tirelessly to ensure they attain their goals. As such, women are working

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