Thursday, September 26, 2019

Nevertheless Botticelli as a True Renaissance Master Research Paper

Nevertheless Botticelli as a True Renaissance Master - Research Paper Example Born in Florence, Botticelli owes much of his style to Fra Filippo Lippi to whom he was apprenticed as a child. â€Å"Lippo Lippi’s synthesis of the new control of three-dimensional forms, tender expressiveness in face and gesture, and decorative details inherited from the late Gothic style were the strongest influences on Botticelli†. The composition of the painting is also worth noting for it draws the viewer to the background which depicts a tranquil pastoral landscape. Similar compositions are to be found in many of Botticelli’s paintings, including those mentioned earlier, and is perhaps an allusion to ‘mother nature’ and ‘neo-platonism’, the fusion of pagan and Christian themes which tried to â€Å"reconcile classical and Christian views†(Sandro Botticelli [2}, by combining â€Å"Christian faith with ancient mythology, rather than merely relating them† (Sandro Botticelli [3]). This painting thus is Botticelli’s contribution to Renaissance art, based on â€Å"myth and partly inspired by contemporary poetry and literature† and on his interpretation of Greek and Roman mythology (Portrait of the Artist Sandro Botticelli). The fusion of these two aspects is one of the most special characteristics of Botticelli's work. Overall, the subject matter, composition, and fine detail and colour make this work of art truly timeless. In his time, Botticelli was the acknowledged authority of line who brought the linear tradition to its pinnacle, soon to be replaced by the high classical style of Leonardo da Vinci. Nevertheless, Botticelli is still recalled for his works and for being a true Renaissance master.

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